Law enforcement officials across the state of Pennsylvania routinely conduct checkpoints to find drivers who are operating their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These are known as DUI checkpoints. They most commonly occur on weekends and during holidays. They can also be held during the week. Either way, drivers should know what occurs during a DUI checkpoint in State College.
As you approach the checkpoint, one of the officers on scene will ask you to stop your vehicle. You will need to provide the officer with your driver’s license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration. The officer will use this information to find out if you have any warrants out for your arrest.
The officer will be looking for signs of alcohol use while talking to you during the stop. These signs include the smell of alcohol on your breath or in the car, a flushed face, bloodshot eyes, issues with balancing and more. If the officer sees an open container of alcohol in the vehicle he or she will likely ask you to step out of the car.
A field sobriety test will then be issued on the spot. More than one test is usually issued when it comes to DUI. The officer will carefully watch how you handle the tests administered and make a determination as to whether you passed or not. If you did not pass the tests, you will be arrested for DUI.
Have you ever been stopped at a DUI checkpoint? Has a DUI checkpoint led to your arrest for DUI in State College? No matter your situation, you need to understand what happens during the stop and how you need to respond.