When you have been accused of possessing drugs or you have been found in the possession of drugs, you will likely be worried about how serious the consequences could be. The consequences can be serious enough to affect your entire life, but the charge will depend...
Drug Possession
Heroin possession in Pennsylvania
Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs, and therefore, being found in possession of even the smallest amount of the drug in the state of Pennsylvania is an extremely serious charge. It is classed as a Schedule I drug in the United States, meaning that...
Cocaine possession in Pennsylvania
Being found with any type of drug on your possession should be taken very seriously, especially when in Pennsylvania. The state of Pennsylvania is stricter than most when it comes to drug laws, and being found in the possession of cocaine is treated much more harshly...
The difference between drug possession and intent to sell
When a person is charged with the intent to sell drugs, he or she has usually not been caught in the act of selling drugs, but instead have been caught possessing drugs. The two convictions often have very different charges depending on the state and the drug...
Decriminalization of Marijuana within the Borough of State College
The Borough of State College last year adopted a new ordinance prohibiting the possession of a small amount of marijuana. This allows local police to charge persons in possession with an ordinance violation rather than a criminal misdemeanor.The ordinance does not...
What are the laws for marijuana in Pennsylvania?
State laws differ widely when it comes to the status of the law on marijuana. These laws are also subject to rapid change and are difficult to keep track of.In Pennsylvania, the state Senate is preparing to pass a bill that permits the use of medical marijuana for the...