College offers many new freedoms, and may be the first time that you have been able to make your own choices without the watchful eye of your parents. However, this does not mean that you can live without consequences.Parties and alcohol are a part of many students'...
Month: May 2018
Should you walk home from the party?
Most Penn State students know that they should not drink and drive. Operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or above can result in DUI charges and serious consequences. This threat of criminal charges, and the high risk of accident and injury,...
Heroin possession in Pennsylvania
Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs, and therefore, being found in possession of even the smallest amount of the drug in the state of Pennsylvania is an extremely serious charge. It is classed as a Schedule I drug in the United States, meaning that...
New bill proposes felony DUI charges in Pennsylvania
Right now, you can get an infinite number of DUI charges in a row, and they will always be misdemeanors in Pennsylvania. It does not matter if it is your first offense, your second offense or your tenth offense. There are no felony DUI charges in the state.However,...
Collateral Consequences of 3rd DUI In 5 Years
Although few people are foolish or sick enough to accumulate their 3rd DUI conviction within 5 years, Pennsylvania law provides for a mandatory driving license revocation for 5 years wihout appeal or any avenue for early reinstatement.A 5 year driving suspension has a...